Saturday, February 25, 2006

Third Entry

Welcome one, welcome all! Sautern Enterprise has successfully completed its first assignment for at a property auctioning event this morning!

What are we doing now to celebrate our success? Well, Tommy and Chong Yang are asleep right now while I am updating this blog.

The reason for their impromptu siesta is due to the little known fact by anyone outside of the triumvirate that both of them only slept for two hours yesterday (technically it was 0600 hours today) trying to weed out all the bugs and complete our company's auctioning presentation program. Yup, both of them stayed up all through the morning while I enjoyed a good 6 hour rest... How unfair is that?

Seriously, I really do feel like I contribute the least of all out of the triumvirs.

Which is why I am updating this blog today, I suppose.

Anyway this was how I started the day:

I woke up at six and made my way to the company headquarters - Tommy's home. By coincidence, his mom was sending his sister to school so I walked right through the opening vacated by the gate. Unfortunately, the inner sanctum of the fortress was locked, so I stood there by the door giving embarrassing looks to Mrs Ooi and Miss Ooi until the latter summoned the maid to open the door.

I made my way to the hall outside Tommy's room and proceeded to alert him of my presence - by phone. What I said was: "Hello Tommy, I am at your door."

He however thought I was at the door outside his home, not his room - which he explained later.

After some time, we decided it was time to awaken Chong Yang too, fifteen minutes before our assignment begins at 9 a.m.

Here's the lowdown on what happened.

As soon as we got there, Chong Yang proceeded to weed out more bugs using the laptop. Attached the sound system the hotel staff kindly provided, and assigned our posts of the day.

Acquiring the Native American name:
The-One-Who Did-Not-Join-The-Other-Two-In-Working-All-Night-Long,

I self appointed myself to the post of soundman while the other two manned the laptop, hence, the auctioning program.

There I spent all morning, balancing out the background music with the auctioneer's microphone... Occasionally walking close to the auctioneer to remind him to state the bidder number as our program requires a bidder number to display the sold message - as the auctioneer requested.

After the long-drawn event, we printed a few hundred reports that were to be given to the auctioneers and bankers. We then tucked into a sumptuous lunch paid for by Mrs Ooi at a not so nearby restaurant.

Before you know it - Presto! We are back at headquarters.

All in all, it was a good day for us as nobody in Penang had ever used a dedicated auctioning software before. Naturally, we hope the Malaysian kiasu attitude among other auctioneers will surface soon...

UPDATE: I wish to apologize for leaving out the name of the hotel we went to, which was Cititel Hotel. Any misunderstanding as a result of this lapse in concentration is deeply regretted.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Entry Two

So this is what it feels like to have your own start-up company. The dreams, visions as well as the uncertainties all mixed into a great cornucopia called doing business. If our school results are anything to go by, we certainly have the greatest chance of success because we are the classic businessmen (at least, two of us). I hate physics, additional mathematics and chemistry (failure rate exceeding success rate) while the other two guys of the triumvirate aren't as keen as I am to make a fool of myself.

Nevertheless, I can only say it is an honour nearly unparalleled in my universe that Tommy Ooi (founding member, marketing man) would choose me, eccentric and extreme atheist, Ju Ping (Jon Stewart wannabe) as his business partner. Together with the very gifted Chong Yang (computer wizard, highest possible level in geek speak), complete a troika of one of possibly seven business partnerships in the world where a smooth-talking egocentric but generous and charitable realtor contacts the only known atheist in Chung Ling who grows bonsais as a hobby and wishes to retire poor who in turn calls up quite possibly the most gifted computer wizard Chung Ling has seen in five generations with a reputation (not without good reason) for creating the most elegant programs and websites anyone has ever seen or expected from a high school graduate.

For those who just wish to ignore the human aspect of the company and get to the fuddle duddle business we do, start reading from paragraph four.

First and foremost, we are an advertising company for property dealers. Our online presence is at which we hope to develop into the number one property kiosk in Malaysia. In other words, we hope Sautern becomes synonymous with buying your dream home.

Our secondary business is selling a property auctioning program that also doubles as a simplistic property database manager.

Our tertiary business is website publishing and software customising.

However, to reach even the first goal, we had to register our company first. The reason is any company wishing to use the suffix has to be a Malaysian registered company first. This is where I take you on a trip across the Penang Bridge to Butterworth with fellow triumvir Tommy. And please, I beg of you, try to use your imagination to visualise the trip instead of requesting a video or podcast of my journey.

The day started with me waiting outside the Hotel Equatorial. I was feeling especially tired... after watching the Torino Winter Games till early morning the night before, I guess anyone would.

Tommy picked me up and we made our way to the jetty, where we took a free trip across the channel on a ferry. Yes, you read that right! A free trip from Penang Island to Butterworth. It turns out they only charge for the trip from Butterworth to Penang.

Using a few clues given to us by our respective acquaintances, namely: we should make our way to the Registrar of Business; it is near the EPF building; and we should see it immediately after the ferry docks; we made our way to the largest building in sight after leaving the Butterworth side dock.

As soon as we got there, imagine, if you can, the extreme shock we felt when we saw the Registrar of Business everyone was referring to was a conservatively dressed lady sitting behind a creaky old wooden desk that was plastered with words like “Company Registration” and the like right on the sidewalk of the building.

It turns out they were referring to agents (which were very abundant in Butterworth).

For a starting fee of only RM 130.00, she promised to help register our company. Naturally, we declined her generous offer, and asked for directions to the Registrar of Business. Luckily for us, she wasn’t one of those vindictive types who turn into Mr. Hyde when they lose potential clients and gave us directions to the building. So, thank you lady on the sidewalk..

Throughout Butterworth, we observed that the road was quite unforgiving. One wrong turn, and you would find yourself in Kuala Lumpur, or Kulim. To prevent this potentially disastrous event, we asked for directions from everyone we met.

They include: Guy behind the counter in Shell; Girl behind counter in McDonalds; and my driving instructor.

Say what? Your driving instructor!

Yup, somehow, my diving instructor who lecture me on the Undang-undang, was on holiday on that very day, had returned home, and was on the sidewalk of a shoplot was available for inquiries regarding the roads of Butterworth while I was there to register a business and had took a wrong turn.

Please, can anyone calculate the possibility of that happening on that very day?

Anyway, we got the directions and made our way to the EPF building; where we saw to our amusement, special agents, peppering the pavements around the said building. Yup, we saw Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.

Ignoring them altogether, we made our way into the building where we took several detours before finding the right level – Level 6.

There, we met a vivacious young woman who helped us through the registration process. As if this weren’t strange enough, she turned out to be an agent. Whether it was our boyish innocence or our charm (I highly doubt it), she guided us through the entire process.

Here’s the prĂ©cis of the process:

  1. Choose a company name;
  2. After approval, fill in the A Form;
  3. There, we swore (after paying RM 10.00);
  4. After that, we had lunch (beef turned out to be cheaper than chicken);
  5. Then we passed in the form for approval and paid RM 70.00;
  6. We then received a receipt and promptly went home.

Hopefully, we will become the proud owners of Sautern Enterprise sometime this week.

For now,

Live Long & Prosper,

May the Force be with You.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

First Entry

Just to show we are on the map. Expect further updates.