Monday, July 21, 2008

Tribute (Part 2)

While blogging is one of my favourite hobbies, this post and the one before this is one I dread to make. Alas, like taxes and death, both of them (the posts) are kinda inevitable.

Yesterday, Sautern once again had to send off one of its own. This time, it is our most prized assets turn to take a bow. In pouring rain, we sent off Chong Yang to meet his destiny. From now on, there will be no more shop closing, no more slippers flying towards his head, and no more high pressure datelines and last minute server maintaining. Or rather, he will still be expected to do some of those, except that he won't be within reach of any retribution if he doesn't.

As with Jupes jungle paradise, high tech and sterile Singapore will probably be heaven to CY. Hopefully he will not get too enamoured of all the gadgets and fine time to get to know the chicks there.

Regardless, whatever pleasure he may derive from slacking off official business will be (possibly) negated by the stresses of being in a foreign country, so we will let that slide. Anyway, like with Jupes, even though CY is not physically here, his spirit will be forever ingrained in Sautern. In the same vein as WWJPD, WWCYD will probably appear whenever a decision is to be made. Of course, his eccentricity rivals Jupes, so I hope we should be forgiven if WWJPD is only partially applied.

Anyway, I better end this before I get to emotional. Au revoir, my techy friend, till next time.